Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Your EPXbody Challenge Contract for Success

Make a contract with yourself that identifies the excuses you use most often, and specifies what you will do instead of giving in to them. When you put this on paper, in the form of a written contract, you create an effective tool that you can use whenever you catch yourself making excuses.

Here's how to start. This is the simplest step, but it's the most important one. Write down your excuse-busters in the form of a contract with yourself. This contract is a visible reminder of the commitment you are making to yourself, as well as a handy tool for remembering both the problems and the solutions you are trying to focus on. If you take this seriously, you'll find it more difficult to break the contract than to simply forget a vague decision you’ve made to try harder or do better next time.

Here’s a sample contract with a few common problems and countermeasures:

I,                                                       , hereby agree and commit to take the following steps to improve my accountability to myself and increase my chances for weight loss success:
I will not let one small slip-up convince me that I'm stupid, worthless, or a lost cause. I will respect myself by refusing to engage in verbal self-abuse, and I will find positive ways to comfort and support myself when I’m having a hard time.  (Make a list of concrete things you will do instead of beating up on yourself or deciding your problems are too big to handle.)

I will not sacrifice my own needs to make other people happy, or do for them what they can and should be doing for themselves. When there is a conflict between my exercise and eating plans and what other people want me to do, I will negotiate to find a reasonable solution that allows me to do what I need to do for myself.

I choose to be in charge of my own decisions and behavior. I will not talk, think, or act as if my partner, child, spouse, cravings, or subconscious made me do it. I will ask myself what’s most important to me at that moment and make my decision. If I don’t like the consequences, I will try something different the next time.
Remember to listen to your own self-talk, identify the thoughts, attitudes or behaviors that are getting in the way of your success. Be as specific and practical as you can, and be sure to come back to your contract when you are having problems.

In no time flat, you'll see an increase in your accountability and you WILL succeed at reaching your personal and EPXbody goals.    

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