Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Adsense Adventure

Hello, (as usual, pardon my English)

I’ve been using adsense since 2005, I know the potential earnings with this program. There are people that earns $300-$500 a day. Not to mention the Top 10 Earners, well Mark Frind earns $300,000 monthly with adsense. If you want to know more about adsense just search google about it. Read a lot of books about adsense but still can’t make $20 per day which is really low for a 5 year adsense. publisher like me.  Today, I decided to follow the footsteps of one of the authors of my adsense ebooks that according to him, I can make $100-$300 DAILY using his strategies.

Day 1: Adsense Adventure (Last Night)

Read a certain ebook that talks about earning $100 -$300 daily on adsense. (Ill share the ebook if it this journey is successfull)