Thursday, December 2, 2010

Change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon character and get banned!

First, Pardon my English, I just want everybody to get the point of this post.

Ok, it’s good to know that someone out there started a campaign to stop violence against children. I hate violence against children. And what can I do to stop people from abusing children? Changing my profile picture in facebook and hope that the abusers will say to themselves “Oh my gosh! Richard made Tazmanian Devil as is Facebook Primary Photo; from now on I’ll stop punching my stubborn kids”. Child abusers are heartless and there’s no way to stop them by using some cartoon picture on your facebook profile page,  some or maybe most abusers doesn’t even know what facebook is.  Changing your primary photo to cartoon images isn't going to stop violence against children, in fact, you can get in trouble for doing that. Please read:
Facebook respects the copyrights of others, and we prohibit users from uploading, posting or otherwise transmitting on the Facebook website any materials that violate another party's copyrights. Among other things, this means that we remove content that is reported to us pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512), also known as the DMCA.
However, while Facebook does not tolerate copyright infringement, we also do not tolerate false claims of infringement. If you believe that content that you posted on the site was removed by mistake, you can file a DMCA counter-notice by using our counter-notice form. So long as everything appears to be in order with your counter-notice, we will forward it to the complaining rights owner. The DMCA then allows us to restore your content if the rights owner does not file a court action against you within 10 business days of receiving the copy of your counter-notice.
Please be aware that the DMCA makes users liable for materially misrepresenting in a counter-notice that their content was removed by mistake. Therefore, if you are not confident of your claims, we suggest you seek legal advice before filing a DMCA counter-notice with us.
What will happen if I infringe someone else's copyrights?
If you infringe a third party's copyright(s), we will remove the reported content. We will also terminate repeat infringers when appropriate.

How can I tell if content is copyrighted?
Unfortunately, we cannot tell you whether you own the copyright to (or are otherwise authorized to use) the content you post. So, if you are uncertain of your rights, we encourage you to seek legal advice. In addition, the following websites offer useful background information on copyright and other intellectual property laws:

The idea and motivation of this campaign is good, but is it effective?  Is it Dangerous?  Are we relying on cartoon images than God? Ok, I’ll tell you what, if you really want to stop violence against children, instead of putting cartoons on your profile that probably will waste 30-60 seconds of your time, just close your eyes and start praying for children. Imagine thousands of people or even a millions are praying for children at the same time with all their hearts, with all their minds and with all their souls. Or you can also Pray and put some cartoon images on your profile at the same time and put your Facebook account at risk. You can also email me or post comments and saying bad things against me for making this post, I don’t mind.